A series of publications that offer interested readers the core texts of the culture of the Jewish people, in new and user-friendly editions based on the broad knowledge that has accumulated over the years. The volumes published to date: the AVI CHAI Siddur (two volumes, one for the Sabbath and the other for the home and family); Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers, a New Israeli Commentary; Jonah, a New Israeli Commentary; and a revised edition of Sefer HaAggadah, the compendium of Jewish legends by Bialiak and Rawnitzki. This last, an essential component of the Hebrew and Jewish bookshelf, has been given a modern design and an extensive and updated commentary. Commentaries on the Five Scrolls are in preparation.
- Hebrew websites: http://agadastories.org.il/ and http://www.sidur.kotar.co.il/